EU-sponsored 2-week Intensive Programme for Master and PhD students
This 2-week programme is aimed both at Master and PhD students, and at researchers interested in deepening their knowledge in the science of ageing.
Course completion will award 4 credits to students coming from the institutions that recognize the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS).
Ageing is one of the most challenging issues of our society. Next generation researchers should be guided to tap into the potential offered by the demographic change and the accompanying economic and social developments in the future. Understanding of ageing mechanisms is of utmost importance and should tightly be connected to the clinical needs. Next generation researchers in the field of ageing should be equipped with state of the art knowledge about the biology of ageing, insights into the clinical ageing phenotype and leadership expertise. By bringing together experts of these fields, Europe invests in the next generation leaders in biology of ageing, building the base to extend healthy lifespan.
LLP ERASMUS Intensive Programme
This project is supported by EU through the LLP ERASMUS (code n. 2013-1-IT2-ERA10-52928)
Participation Cost
All inclusive participation cost is 950€, (included full board accommodation in double rooms in a 4 stars hotel).
The course will accept a maximum of 50 participants.
Registration form will be available in this page from late February.
Please see also the Rules and Regulation to participate at the programme
40 Fellowships covering most of the participation cost and travelling are available for applicants belonging to this EU Partner Institutions:
University of Bologna, Italy (
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands (
Aarhus University, Denmark (
Universiteit Leiden, Netherlands (
Universität Rostock, Germany (
University of Medicine and Phar. of Craiova, Romania (
Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck, Austria (
University of Nottingham, United Kingdom (
Universität Konstanz, Germany (
For information on fellowship please write directly to the teacher of your institution using the Email in parentheses.
Planning your trip
For organizing your travel please write to
She is an Italian travel agent informed on the regulation regarding trip reimbursement and on the best way to reach Rimini and the School Hotel.
Twin Programme
If you are interested in physical activity and healthy life span please visit also our twin programme web site EduSport
(in these pictures young and senescent human fibroblasts stained with an anti-Tubulin antibody)
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Il presente progetto è finanziato con il sostegno della Commissione europea. L'autore è il solo responsabile di questa pubblicazione (comunicazione) e la Commissione declina ogni responsabilità sull'uso che potrà essere fatto delle informazioni in essa contenute